Friday, March 1, 2013

6th blog

      I got my grade back from my first essay. I don't think I did good. I got an 82. It's a B. A low B. I got confused on how to do the work citied and how to do a citation on my essay. I also had some grammar issues. English is not my best subject. But I'm really try hard to understand. I'm working on my next essay. I don't think I can put Casey Anthony is my essay because I'm also writing about the Death Penalty. Even though she should have gotten the death penalty. I really want to put her in my essay. I just don't know how to do it. I believe she did kill her daughter and gotten away with murder. I found out that there's a lot of different kinds of executions. The executions were very detailed. So I have a lot of research papers to look over.

      The past couple of English classes we've been talking about torture. We even watched a video talking about torture. We didn't see anyone being tortured. Just very opinionated people. We also read two stories about torture. The first story was like a what if kind of thing and the second was like a demonstration about water boarding. Water boarding is getting your hands and feet bound. A cloth bag is put over your head and water is poured over your head. It's almost like your drowning. If torturing someone evil to get valuable information to save thousands of lives. I say go ahead but I don't want to know anything about what happen.


  1. Don't worry by the time we get are English requirements done we will know what we are doing. That is why we are in school is to learn.

  2. In my opinion 82 is a good grade for an essay so I say GOOD JOB :)
